Library POCS.Common.NbdAPI
Require Import POCS.
Axiom Handle : Type.
Inductive Request :=
| Read (h:Handle) (off:addr) (blocks:nat)
| Write (h:Handle) (off:addr) (len:nat) (dat:bytes (len*blockbytes))
| Flush (h:Handle)
| Disconnect
| UnknownOp (h:Handle).
Inductive ErrorCode :=
| ESuccess
| EInvalid
| ENospc.
Record Response :=
{ rhandle: Handle;
error: ErrorCode;
data_len: nat;
data: bytes data_len; }.
Record State := mkState {
StateDisk : disk;
StateReq : option Request
Definition inited (s : State) : Prop :=
StateReq s = None.
Fixpoint read_match (d : disk) (off : addr) (blocks : nat) : bytes (blocks * blockbytes) -> Prop :=
match blocks with
| O => fun data => True
| S blocks' =>
fun (data : bytes ((S blocks') * blockbytes)) =>
let (thisdata, otherdata) := bsplit data in
(diskGet d off = Some thisdata \/ diskGet d off = None) /\
read_match d (S off) blocks' otherdata
Fixpoint write_upd (d : disk) (off : addr) (blocks : list (bytes blockbytes)) : disk :=
match blocks with
| nil => d
| b :: blocks' =>
write_upd (diskUpd d off b) (S off) blocks'
Definition read_match' (d : disk) (off : addr) (blocks : nat) (len : nat)
(H : len = blocks * blockbytes) (data : bytes len) : Prop.
Definition getRequest_spec : Specification _ Request unit State :=
fun (_ : unit) state => {|
pre := True;
post := fun r state' =>
state' = mkState (StateDisk state) (Some r);
recovered := fun _ state' =>
state' = mkState (StateDisk state) None
Definition sendResponse_spec (resp : Response) : Specification _ unit unit State :=
fun '(disk, disk', req) state => {|
pre :=
let '(@Build_Response rhandle error data_len data) := resp in
state = mkState disk (Some req) /\
match req with
| Read h off blocks => h = rhandle /\ disk' = disk /\
(error = ESuccess /\ exists Hlen,
@read_match' disk off blocks data_len Hlen data) \/
(error <> ESuccess /\ data_len = 0)
| Write h off len data => h = rhandle /\ data_len = 0 /\
(error = ESuccess /\ disk' = write_upd disk off (bsplit_list data)) \/
(error <> ESuccess /\ disk' = disk)
| Flush h => h = rhandle /\ data_len = 0 /\ disk' = disk
| Disconnect => False
| UnknownOp h => h = rhandle /\ error = EInvalid /\ data_len = 0 /\ disk' = disk
post := fun r state' =>
state' = mkState disk' None;
recovered := fun _ state' =>
state' = mkState disk None \/ state' = mkState disk' None
Definition wipe_req (state state' : State) := state' = mkState (StateDisk state) None.
Hint Unfold wipe_req.
Module Type NbdAPI.
Axiom init : proc InitResult.
Axiom getRequest : proc Request.
Axiom sendResponse : Response -> proc unit.
Axiom recover : proc unit.
Axiom abstr : Abstraction State.
Axiom init_ok : init_abstraction init recover abstr inited.
Axiom getRequest_ok : proc_spec (getRequest_spec) (getRequest) recover abstr.
Axiom sendResponse_ok : forall resp, proc_spec (sendResponse_spec resp) (sendResponse resp) recover abstr.
Axiom recover_noop : rec_noop recover abstr wipe_req.
Hint Resolve init_ok.
Hint Resolve getRequest_ok.
Hint Resolve sendResponse_ok.
Hint Resolve recover_noop.
End NbdAPI.
Axiom Handle : Type.
Inductive Request :=
| Read (h:Handle) (off:addr) (blocks:nat)
| Write (h:Handle) (off:addr) (len:nat) (dat:bytes (len*blockbytes))
| Flush (h:Handle)
| Disconnect
| UnknownOp (h:Handle).
Inductive ErrorCode :=
| ESuccess
| EInvalid
| ENospc.
Record Response :=
{ rhandle: Handle;
error: ErrorCode;
data_len: nat;
data: bytes data_len; }.
Record State := mkState {
StateDisk : disk;
StateReq : option Request
Definition inited (s : State) : Prop :=
StateReq s = None.
Fixpoint read_match (d : disk) (off : addr) (blocks : nat) : bytes (blocks * blockbytes) -> Prop :=
match blocks with
| O => fun data => True
| S blocks' =>
fun (data : bytes ((S blocks') * blockbytes)) =>
let (thisdata, otherdata) := bsplit data in
(diskGet d off = Some thisdata \/ diskGet d off = None) /\
read_match d (S off) blocks' otherdata
Fixpoint write_upd (d : disk) (off : addr) (blocks : list (bytes blockbytes)) : disk :=
match blocks with
| nil => d
| b :: blocks' =>
write_upd (diskUpd d off b) (S off) blocks'
Definition read_match' (d : disk) (off : addr) (blocks : nat) (len : nat)
(H : len = blocks * blockbytes) (data : bytes len) : Prop.
Definition getRequest_spec : Specification _ Request unit State :=
fun (_ : unit) state => {|
pre := True;
post := fun r state' =>
state' = mkState (StateDisk state) (Some r);
recovered := fun _ state' =>
state' = mkState (StateDisk state) None
Definition sendResponse_spec (resp : Response) : Specification _ unit unit State :=
fun '(disk, disk', req) state => {|
pre :=
let '(@Build_Response rhandle error data_len data) := resp in
state = mkState disk (Some req) /\
match req with
| Read h off blocks => h = rhandle /\ disk' = disk /\
(error = ESuccess /\ exists Hlen,
@read_match' disk off blocks data_len Hlen data) \/
(error <> ESuccess /\ data_len = 0)
| Write h off len data => h = rhandle /\ data_len = 0 /\
(error = ESuccess /\ disk' = write_upd disk off (bsplit_list data)) \/
(error <> ESuccess /\ disk' = disk)
| Flush h => h = rhandle /\ data_len = 0 /\ disk' = disk
| Disconnect => False
| UnknownOp h => h = rhandle /\ error = EInvalid /\ data_len = 0 /\ disk' = disk
post := fun r state' =>
state' = mkState disk' None;
recovered := fun _ state' =>
state' = mkState disk None \/ state' = mkState disk' None
Definition wipe_req (state state' : State) := state' = mkState (StateDisk state) None.
Hint Unfold wipe_req.
Module Type NbdAPI.
Axiom init : proc InitResult.
Axiom getRequest : proc Request.
Axiom sendResponse : Response -> proc unit.
Axiom recover : proc unit.
Axiom abstr : Abstraction State.
Axiom init_ok : init_abstraction init recover abstr inited.
Axiom getRequest_ok : proc_spec (getRequest_spec) (getRequest) recover abstr.
Axiom sendResponse_ok : forall resp, proc_spec (sendResponse_spec resp) (sendResponse resp) recover abstr.
Axiom recover_noop : rec_noop recover abstr wipe_req.
Hint Resolve init_ok.
Hint Resolve getRequest_ok.
Hint Resolve sendResponse_ok.
Hint Resolve recover_noop.
End NbdAPI.