
Require Import Arith.
Require Import Lia.
Require Import Bool.
Require Import List.
Require Import EquivDec.
Require Import Omega.

Set Implicit Arguments.

Decidable equality.

EqualDec defines a notion of decidable equality for things of type A. This means that there is a function, called equal_dec, which, given two things of type A, will return whether they are equal or not.

Class EqualDec A :=
  equal_dec : forall x y : A, { x = y } + { x <> y }.

We define the notation x == y to mean our decidable equality between x and y.

Notation " x == y " := (equal_dec (x :>) (y :>)) (no associativity, at level 70).

Here, we define some types for which we know how to compute decidable equality (namely, equality for nats, and equality for bools).

maybe_holds predicate.

One pattern that shows up in our lab assignments is that we want to say something about an optional value. That is, we have something of type option T, which is either Some x where x is of type T, or is None. We want to make staements of the form ``if it's Some x, then something is true about x''. This shows up when we talk about a disk that might or might not have failed, or when we talk about the contents of a disk block that might or might not be there (e.g., because it's out of bounds).
We define maybe_holds to formalize this notion. maybe_holds takes a predicate, T -> Prop, and an option T.

Definition maybe_holds T (p:T -> Prop) : option T -> Prop :=
  fun mt => match mt with
         | Some t => p t
         | None => True

Theorem holds_in_none_eq : forall T (p:T -> Prop) mt,
    mt = None ->
    maybe_holds p mt.
  intros; subst.
  simpl; auto.

Theorem holds_in_some : forall T (p:T -> Prop) (v:T),
    p v ->
    maybe_holds p (Some v).
  simpl; auto.

Theorem holds_in_some_eq : forall T (p:T -> Prop) (v:T) mt,
    mt = Some v ->
    p v ->
    maybe_holds p mt.
  intros; subst.
  simpl; auto.

Theorem holds_some_inv_eq : forall T (p: T -> Prop) mt v,
    mt = Some v ->
    maybe_holds p mt ->
    p v.
  intros; subst.

Theorem pred_weaken : forall T (p p': T -> Prop) mt,
    maybe_holds p mt ->
    (forall t, p t -> p' t) ->
    maybe_holds p' mt.
  unfold maybe_holds; destruct mt; eauto.

To reflect the expected usage of this primitive, we define two notations:
  • mv ?|= p states that p holds on mv, if mv is present. This notation simply translates to maybe_holds p mv.
  • To state that an optional value is definitely missing, we provide a predicate missing, so that mv ?|= missing implies that mv is None. The missing predicate is simply False, which allows us to conclude by contradiction that there's no way the optional value could be Some x.

Notation "m ?|= F" := (maybe_holds F m) (at level 20, F at level 50).

Definition missing {T} : T -> Prop := fun _ => False.

Theorem pred_missing : forall T (p: T -> Prop) mt,
    mt ?|= missing ->
    mt ?|= p.
  unfold missing; intros.
  eapply pred_weaken; eauto.

maybe_eq predicate for equality.

We also define a specialized version of maybe_holds that is used to specify an equality predicate about an optional value: maybe_eq. maybe_eq mv v says that mv is either None or Some v. The notation for this is mv =?= v.

Definition maybe_eq T (mv : option T) (v : T) : Prop :=
  maybe_holds (eq v) mv.

Notation "mv =?= v" := (maybe_eq mv v) (at level 20, v at level 50).

maybe_eq_list for equality of lists.

maybe_eq_list is a version of maybe_eq that applies to a list of optional values: given a list of optional values, and a list of values, maybe_eq_list says that each value is maybe_eq equal to the corresponding optional value.
We use the notation mvs =??= vs for maybe_eq_list mvs vs.

Fixpoint maybe_eq_list T (ml : list (option T)) (l:list T) : Prop :=
  match ml, l with
  | nil, nil => True
  | ml0::ml', l0::l' =>
    maybe_eq ml0 l0 /\
    maybe_eq_list ml' l'
  | _, _ => False

Notation "mvs =??= vs" := (maybe_eq_list mvs vs) (at level 20, vs at level 50).

Theorem maybe_eq_list_first :
  forall T p0 l0 p l,
    @maybe_eq_list T (p0::p) (l0::l) <->
    maybe_eq p0 l0 /\ maybe_eq_list p l.

Theorem maybe_eq_list_len :
  forall T p l,
    @maybe_eq_list T p l -> length p = length l.
  induction p; simpl; intros.
  - destruct l; intuition.
  - destruct l; simpl; intuition.

Theorem maybe_eq_list_last_helper :
  forall T p0 l0 p l,
    length p = length l ->
    @maybe_eq_list T (p ++ (p0::nil)) (l ++ (l0::nil)) <->
    maybe_eq_list p l /\ maybe_eq p0 l0.
  induction p; simpl; intros.
  - destruct l; simpl in *; try congruence.
  - destruct l; simpl in *; try congruence.
    inversion H; clear H.
    specialize (IHp l).
    split; intuition.

Theorem maybe_eq_list_last :
  forall T p0 l0 p l,
    @maybe_eq_list T (p ++ (p0::nil)) (l ++ (l0::nil)) <->
    maybe_eq_list p l /\ maybe_eq p0 l0.
  split; intros.
  - apply maybe_eq_list_last_helper; auto.
    apply maybe_eq_list_len in H.
    repeat rewrite app_length in H; simpl in *.
  - apply maybe_eq_list_last_helper; auto.
    apply maybe_eq_list_len; auto.

Theorem maybe_eq_list_app :
  forall T p0 p1 l0 l1,
    @maybe_eq_list T p0 l0 ->
    maybe_eq_list p1 l1 ->
    maybe_eq_list (p0++p1) (l0++l1).
  induction p0; simpl; intros.
  - destruct l0; intuition.
  - destruct l0; intuition.
    simpl; auto.

Theorem maybe_eq_list_map_some :
  forall T (l : list T),
    maybe_eq_list (map Some l) l.
  induction l; simpl; auto.

Proof automation.

To help prove various theorems, we provide some basic automation. This automation takes the form of Ltac scripts that are designed to solve certain types of goals, or simplify the goal in some way. We also use hints (using various Hint statements), which is a way to tell Coq which theorems should be used by tactics like auto, eauto, autorewrite, and so on.

Simplify matches when possible

Ltac simpl_match :=
  let repl_match_goal d d' :=
      replace d with d';
      lazymatch goal with
      | [ |- context[match d' with _ => _ end] ] => fail
      | _ => idtac
      end in
  let repl_match_hyp H d d' :=
      replace d with d' in H;
      lazymatch type of H with
      | context[match d' with _ => _ end] => fail
      | _ => idtac
      end in
  match goal with
  | [ Heq: ?d = ?d' |- context[match ?d with _ => _ end] ] =>
    repl_match_goal d d'
  | [ Heq: ?d' = ?d |- context[match ?d with _ => _ end] ] =>
    repl_match_goal d d'
  | [ Heq: ?d = ?d', H: context[match ?d with _ => _ end] |- _ ] =>
    repl_match_hyp H d d'
  | [ Heq: ?d' = ?d, H: context[match ?d with _ => _ end] |- _ ] =>
    repl_match_hyp H d d'

Module SimplMatchTests.

test simpl_match failure when match does not go away
  Theorem fails_if_match_not_removed :
    forall (vd m: nat -> option nat) a,
      vd a = m a ->
      vd a = match (m a) with
             | Some v => Some v
             | None => None
    (simpl_match; fail "should not work here")
    || idtac.
    rewrite H.
    destruct (m a); auto.

  Theorem removes_match :
    forall (vd m: nat -> option nat) a v v',
      vd a = Some v ->
      m a = Some v' ->
      vd a = match (m a) with
             | Some _ => Some v
             | None => None
    simpl_match; now auto.

hypothesis replacement should remove the match or fail
  Theorem fails_on_hyp_if_match_not_removed :
    forall (vd m: nat -> option nat) a,
      vd a = m a ->
      m a = match (m a) with
            | Some v => Some v
            | None => None
            end ->
    (simpl_match; fail "should not work here")
    || idtac.

End SimplMatchTests.

Find and destruct matches

Ltac destruct_matches_in e :=
  lazymatch e with
  | context[match ?d with | _ => _ end] =>
    destruct_matches_in d
  | _ => destruct e eqn:?; intros

Ltac destruct_all_matches :=
  repeat (try simpl_match;
          try match goal with
              | [ |- context[match ?d with | _ => _ end] ] =>
                destruct_matches_in d
              | [ H: context[match ?d with | _ => _ end] |- _ ] =>
                destruct_matches_in d
  try congruence;

Ltac destruct_nongoal_matches :=
  repeat (try simpl_match;
           try match goal with
           | [ H: context[match ?d with | _ => _ end] |- _ ] =>
             destruct_matches_in d
  try congruence;

Ltac destruct_goal_matches :=
  repeat (try simpl_match;
           match goal with
           | [ |- context[match ?d with | _ => _ end] ] =>
              destruct_matches_in d
  try congruence;

Module DestructMatchesTests.

  Theorem removes_absurdities :
    forall b1 b2,
      b1 = b2 ->
      match b1 with
      | true => match b2 with
               | true => True
               | false => False
      | false => match b2 with
                | true => False
                | false => True

  Theorem destructs_innermost_match :
    forall b1 b2,
      match (match b2 with
             | true => b1
             | false => false
             end) with
      | true => b1 = true
      | false => b1 = false \/ b2 = false

End DestructMatchesTests.

Ltac destruct_tuple :=
  match goal with
  | [ H: context[let '(a, b) := ?p in _] |- _ ] =>
    let a := fresh a in
    let b := fresh b in
    destruct p as [a b]
  | [ |- context[let '(a, b) := ?p in _] ] =>
    let a := fresh a in
    let b := fresh b in
    destruct p as [a b]

Tactic Notation "destruct" "matches" "in" "*" := destruct_all_matches.
Tactic Notation "destruct" "matches" "in" "*|-" := destruct_nongoal_matches.
Tactic Notation "destruct" "matches" := destruct_goal_matches.

Variants of intuition that do not split the goal.

Ltac safe_intuition_then t :=
  repeat match goal with
         | [ H: _ /\ _ |- _ ] =>
           destruct H
         | [ H: ?P -> _ |- _ ] =>
           lazymatch type of P with
           | Prop => specialize (H ltac:(t))
           | _ => fail
         | _ => progress t

Tactic Notation "safe_intuition" := safe_intuition_then ltac:(auto).
Tactic Notation "safe_intuition" tactic(t) := safe_intuition_then t.

Instantiate existentials (deex)

Ltac destruct_ands :=
  repeat match goal with
         | [ H: _ /\ _ |- _ ] =>
           destruct H

Ltac deex :=
  match goal with
  | [ H : exists (varname : _), _ |- _ ] =>
    let newvar := fresh varname in
    destruct H as [newvar ?]; destruct_ands; subst

Module DeexTests.

  Theorem chooses_name :
    (exists (foo:unit), foo=foo) ->
    destruct foo.

  Theorem chooses_fresh_name :
    forall (foo:bool),
      (exists (foo:unit), foo=foo) -> True.
    (* fresh name for exists witness *)
    destruct foo0.

End DeexTests.

Other proof automation helpers

Ltac descend :=
  repeat match goal with
         | |- exists _, _ => eexists

Ltac propositional_with t :=
  repeat match goal with
         | |- forall _, _ => intros
         | [ H: _ /\ _ |- _ ] => destruct H
         | [ H: _ <-> _ |- _ ] => destruct H
         | [ H: False |- _ ] => solve [ destruct H ]
         | [ |- True ] => exact I
         | [ H: True |- _ ] => clear H
         | [ H: ?P -> _ |- _ ] =>
           lazymatch type of P with
           | Prop => match goal with
                 | [ H': P |- _ ] => specialize (H H')
                 | _ => specialize (H ltac:(try t))
         | [ H: forall x, x = _ -> _ |- _ ] =>
           specialize (H _ eq_refl)
         | [ H: forall x, _ = x -> _ |- _ ] =>
           specialize (H _ eq_refl)
         | [ H: exists (varname : _), _ |- _ ] =>
           let newvar := fresh varname in
           destruct H as [newvar ?]
         | [ H: ?P |- ?P ] => exact H
         | _ => progress subst
         | _ => solve [ t ]

Tactic Notation "propositional" := propositional_with auto.
Tactic Notation "propositional" tactic(t) := propositional_with t.

Ltac split_or :=
  repeat match goal with
         | [ H: _ \/ _ |- _ ] => destruct H

Ltac intuition_with t :=
  repeat match goal with
         | [ H: _ \/ _ |- _ ] => destruct H
         | _ => progress propositional_with t
         | |- _ /\ _ => split
         | |- _ <-> _ => split
         | _ => t

Tactic Notation "intuition" := intuition_with auto.
Tactic Notation "intuition" tactic(t) := intuition_with t.

Tactic Notation "omega" := fail "don't use omega".

Ltac lia :=
  repeat match goal with
         | [ H: ?a <> ?a |- _ ] =>
           exfalso; apply (H eq_refl)
         | |- _ <> _ => let H := fresh in
                     intro H;
                     try rewrite H in *
         | [ n: ?t |- _ ] => progress change t with nat
         | [ H: @eq ?t _ _ |- _ ] =>
           progress change t with nat in H
         | [ H: ~ (@eq ?t _ _) |- _ ] =>
           progress change t with nat in H
         | [ |- @eq ?t _ _ ] =>
           progress change t with nat
         | [ |- ~ (@eq ?t _ _) ] =>
           progress change t with nat
         end; Lia.lia.

Ltac sigT_eq :=
  match goal with
  | [ H: existT ?P ?a _ = existT ?P ?a _ |- _ ] =>
    apply Eqdep.EqdepTheory.inj_pair2 in H; subst

substitute variables that are let bindings (these can be created with set (x:=value) and appear in the context as v := def)
Ltac subst_var :=
  repeat match goal with
  | [ v := _ |- _ ] => subst v

Create HintDb false.

Ltac solve_false :=
  solve [ exfalso; eauto with false ].

(* use lemmas that prove false during ordinary calls to auto (copies a hint
from Coq.Program.Equality) *)

Hint Extern 10 => Equality.is_ground_goal; progress exfalso : core.

Ltac especialize H :=
  match type of H with
  | forall (x:?T), _ =>
    let x := fresh x in
    evar (x:T);
    specialize (H x);
    subst x

Ltac rename_by_type type name :=
  match goal with | x : type |- _ => rename x into name end.