
Require Import POCS.
Require Import ThreeVariablesAPI.

To start with, we define a module called Exercises that takes as an argument an implementation of our variables layer, called vars.

Module Exercises (vars : VarsAPI).

Now that we are inside the module, we have access to the variables API that we defined in ThreeVariablesAPI. You can examine the functions provided by the vars module using the Check command, as follows:

  Check vars.read.

The above Check command should have printed:
vars.read : var -> proc nat
meaning that vars.read is something that takes a variable name (of type var) and gives us a procedure that returns a nat value.

  Check vars.write.

vars.write similarly takes a variable name and a new value and gives us a procedure with no return value.

Part A: incrementing and swapping.

To start with, we will define a simple procedure incX that increments the value of the x variable:

  Definition incX : proc unit :=
    x <- vars.read VarX;
    _ <- vars.write VarX (1+x);
    Ret tt.

To check if we got the implementation right, let's try first testing it on a specific input. We can do this by writing a very particular specification: if the starting state was (1, 2, 3), corresponding to the values of variables x, y, and z respectively, then the final state should be (2, 2, 3).
The vars.recover at the end of the specification says that we should run the vars.recover procedure after a crash; this does not matter so far, because we are ignoring crashes.
The vars.abstr indicates how we are describing states in this specification. Here, states are described in terms of the variables layer (i.e., consisting of the three values for x, y, and z). We will see in the next lab how and why your specification may want to describe the state at a different abstraction layer.

  Theorem incX_test :
    proc_spec (fun (_:unit) state => {|
                    pre :=
                      state = mkState 1 2 3;
                    post := fun r state' =>
                      state' = mkState 2 2 3;
                    recovered := fun _ _ => False;
              vars.recover vars.abstr.
    (*  Pretty much every proof in our lab infrastructure
        starts by expanding out the procedure you're proving.

    unfold incX.

    (*  We will now consider each step of this code in turn,
        using the step_proc Ltac tactic.  step_proc will
        take the first thing our code is doing (here, calling
        vars.read VarX) and find a corresponding proven spec
        for that code (here, it comes from vars.read_ok,
        which states that vars.read satisfies read_spec).


    (* We will potentially have to prove several subgoals after
      calling step_proc: that our precondition is sufficient to
      invoke the proven spec that step_proc found, that the
      recovery condition matches up, and that the rest of the
      procedure will be correct. Here, most of these were trivial
      and were proven automatically, so we are left with just one

      This remaining goal requires us to prove something about
      executing the rest of the incX code. To help orient yourself
      in this proof ("what is this that I'm having to prove?"), look
      at Lexec in your proof context. It's a marker telling you
      that the current proof goal is what's left "after" running
      (vars.read VarX).

      This time, to illustrate what step_proc is doing, we break
      it apart into several steps.  This first invocation does
      everything step_proc does except solve trivial goals. *)

    step_proc_basic; simplify; split_all; simplify.

    (* We are now left with several sub-goals that we have
      to prove.  To orient yourself among these subgoals,
      look for Marker hypotheses in the context.  In this
      first subgoal, you should see L as a marker indicating
      that we are looking at a subgoal related to the precondition
      of vars.write VarX 2.  The precondition happens to be
      just True, so it would have been automatically solved
      if you had invoked the full step_proc tactic.

      (* To solve this subgoal, we must use curly braces
        (or dashes), in order to keep the proof script
        clean and readable.

        Since the goal is True, we can solve it using the
        trivial tactic.  eauto would have also worked.


      (* The next subgoal left for us by step_proc_basic
        relates to the recovery condition of vars.write VarX 2,
        which you can determine by looking at the bottom-most
        Marker in the current context.

        Since we aren't reasoning about crashes in this lab,
        every recovered condition is False.  You can prove
        this using the recovered condition of the vars.read VarX operation, which is H: False.

        assumption does this, as would eauto.


    (*  Now we are left with the remaining part of the incX code:
        the call to Ret tt.

        You can see there are two markers in your proof context now,
        since these markers simply accumulate. The bottom marker
        will always be the most recent one, so here Lexec0 tells
        you that you're looking at the proof state just after
        calling vars.write VarX (StateX {| ... |} + 1).

        What's left for us to prove? The goal is saying something
        pretty simple: if the starting state is (2, 2, 3), as
        specified by the precondition, then running Ret tt gives
        us a state of (2, 2, 3).

        Invoking step_proc proves this simple fact. *)


Now your job is to state a more general specification for incX. It should take a precondition of True, as stated in the theorem below. Your task is to fill in the postcondition below so that it applies to any starting state, unlike the previous theorem that only worked for mkState 1 2 3. Then, prove your general specification correct.
Replace Admitted. with Qed. when the proof is complete. When we grade, we basically check that your code compiles and that you didn't use Admitted.
Take a look at the specifications in ThreeVariablesAPI.v if you're not sure where to start.

  Theorem incX_ok :
    proc_spec (fun (_:unit) state => {|
                    pre := True;
                    post := fun r state' =>
                      (* EXERCISE: replace with your postcondition *)
                      state' = state;
                    recovered := fun _ _ => False;
              vars.recover vars.abstr.
    (* EXERCISE: Fill in your proof here. *)

You have proven that the code of incX satisfies your specification in incX_ok, but how do you know if your specification is good enough? Did your specification omit any important details?
One general approach is to try to use your specification to prove something. Let's do that now: prove that your specification above is sufficient to prove that running incX from state (5, 5, 5) gives us state (6, 5, 5).
To use your incX_ok theorem from above, we tell the step_proc tactic about it by including it in the core hints database. To make sure that we don't accidentally look inside the code of incX, and thus force ourselves to prove statements about incX by relying on incX_ok, we mark it opaque using Opaque incX.

  Hint Resolve incX_ok : core.
  Opaque incX.

  Theorem incX_ok_seems_good :
    proc_spec (fun (_:unit) state => {|
                    pre :=
                      state = mkState 5 5 5;
                    post := fun r state' =>
                      state' = mkState 6 5 5;
                    recovered := fun _ _ => False;
              vars.recover vars.abstr.
    (* EXERCISE: Fill in your proof here. Most likely step_proc. will be
    enough to prove the entire theorem, if your specification is correct. *)



Here is another exercise, this time with you writing the code, the spec, and the proof. Implement a procedure swapXY that swaps the values of x and y; write a specification for it; and prove that your code meets the spec.

  Definition swapXY : proc unit :=
    (* EXERCISE: Fill in your code here. *)
    Ret tt.

  Theorem swapXY_ok :
    (* EXERCISE: Fill in your spec here. *)
    (* EXERCISE: Fill in your proof here. *)

As a sanity check, prove that swapXY from state (2, 3, 4) gives you state (3, 2, 4).

  Hint Resolve swapXY_ok : core.
  Opaque swapXY.

  Theorem swapXY_ok_seems_good :
    proc_spec (fun (_:unit) state => {|
                   pre := state = mkState 2 3 4;
                   post := fun r state' => state' = mkState 3 2 4;
                   recovered := fun _ state' => False;
    (* EXERCISE: Fill in your proof here. *)

Part B: recursive procedures.

In this last part of the lab assignment, you will reason about recursive procedures. To start with, we will give an example. We define a helper called addX that adds delta to the x variable.

  Definition addX (delta : nat) : proc unit :=
    x <- vars.read VarX;
    _ <- vars.write VarX (x + delta);
    Ret tt.

  Theorem addX_ok : forall delta,
    proc_spec (fun (_:unit) state => {|
                   pre := True;
                   post := fun r state' => state' = mkState (delta + StateX state) (StateY state) (StateZ state);
                   recovered := fun _ _ => False;
              (addX delta)
    unfold addX.
    replace (StateX state + delta) with (delta + StateX state).
    - reflexivity.
    - lia.

  Hint Resolve addX_ok : core.
  Opaque addX.

Now, we define a procedure addX_list that takes a list of nats, and calls addX on each of them in turn.

  Fixpoint addX_list (l : list nat) : proc unit :=
    match l with
    | nil =>
      Ret tt
    | v :: l' =>
      _ <- addX v;
      _ <- addX_list l';
      Ret tt

To specify what we expect addX_list to do, we need to talk about the sum of values in a list. To do that, we define a Gallina function (purely in Coq) that computes the sum of values in a list.

  Fixpoint list_sum (l : list nat) : nat :=
    match l with
    | nil => 0
    | v :: l' => v + (list_sum l')

Now we can state a specification about addX_list and prove it using induction.
Note: You get an error "Expected a single focused goal but 2 goals are focused". For the labs, we turned on an option in Coq that enforces proofs use bullets (+, -, *) or curly braces { } to "focus" each line of the proof on a single goal. This makes proof scripts more manageable, which will help in later labs.
If you get this error, make sure to use bullets or braces, the way you saw throughout Software Foundations.

  Theorem addX_list_ok : forall l,
    proc_spec (fun (_:unit) state => {|
                   pre := True;
                   post := fun r state' =>
                             state' = mkState (StateX state + list_sum l) (StateY state) (StateZ state);
                   recovered := fun _ _ => False;
              (addX_list l)
    induction l.
    - (* The base case: adding an empty list. *)

      (* EXERCISE: Finish the proof. *)

    - (* The inductive case: adding one more element. *)

      (* We first consider the addX v call in the second case of addX_list's match. *)

      (*  You can see that this is indeed where we are in the proof,
          by observing the Lexec marker: it says we're just after
          executing addX a. *)


      (*  Now we need to run the rest of addX_list l.  This works
          out surprisingly easily, because the induction l tactic
          gave us an inductive hypothesis, IHl, that gives us a
          specification for addX_list l.  step_proc will use this
          hypothesis if it matches the invocation. *)


      (*  Finally, we have to prove the state matches the postcondition
          after running both addX and addX_list l. *)

      (* EXERCISE: Finish the proof. *)

Recursive procedures on your own.

For the final part, you will work out an example of recursive procedures on your own.
Your job is to implement a procedure add_odds_evens that takes a list of nats, adds all of the even nats to variable x, and all of the odd nats to variable y.
Implement add_odds_events in the recursive Fixpoint style that we used above in part C, write a spec for it, and prove it.
Use Nat.even and Nat.odd to determine if a nat value is even or odd. You can use Search to locate helpful theorems about these, as follows:

  Search Nat.even.
  Search Nat.odd.

  (* EXERCISE: Fill in your code, spec, and proof here. *)

  Fixpoint add_odds_evens (l : list nat) : proc unit := Ret tt.

To check your solution, prove this simple theorem about a particular execution of add_odds_evens using your spec. Add a Hint Resolve statement to let step_proc see your proven specification about add_odds_evens.

  Opaque add_odds_evens.

  Theorem add_odds_evens_ok_seems_good :
    proc_spec (fun (_:unit) state => {|
                   pre := state = mkState 0 0 0;
                   post := fun r state' => state' = mkState 6 7 0;
                   recovered := fun _ _ => False;
              (add_odds_evens (2 :: 3 :: 3 :: 4 :: 1 :: nil))
    (* EXERCISE: Prove this specification. *)

End Exercises.