Library POCS.Common.NbdServer

Require Import POCS.

Require Import OneDiskAPI.
Require Import NbdAPI.
Require Import NbdImpl.

Module nbd := NbdImpl.

Module NBDServer (d : OneDiskAPI).

  Fixpoint read (off:nat) n : proc (bytes (n*blockbytes)) :=
    match n with
    | 0 => Ret bnull
    | S n => b <- off;
              rest <- read (off+1) n;
              Ret (bappend b rest)

  Fixpoint write (off:nat) (bl : list (bytes blockbytes)) : proc unit :=
    match bl with
    | nil => Ret tt
    | b :: bl' =>
      _ <- d.write off b;
      write (off+1) bl'

  Theorem read_ok : forall n off, proc_spec (fun (_ : unit) state => {|
      pre := True;
      post := fun r state' => state' = state /\ read_match state off n r;
      recovered := fun _ state' => state' = state
    |}) (read off n) d.recover d.abstr.

  Theorem write_ok : forall blocks off, proc_spec (fun (_ : unit) state => {|
      pre := True;
      post := fun r state' =>
        r = tt /\ state' = write_upd state off blocks;
      recovered := fun _ state' =>
        exists nwritten,
        state' = write_upd state off (firstn nwritten blocks)
    |}) (write off blocks) d.recover d.abstr.

  CoFixpoint handle : proc unit :=
    req <- nbd.getRequest;
    match req with
    | Read h off blocks =>
      data <- read off blocks;
      _ <- nbd.sendResponse
        {| rhandle := h; error := ESuccess; data := data; |};
    | Write h off _ dat =>
      _ <- write off (bsplit_list dat);
      _ <- nbd.sendResponse
        {| rhandle := h; error := ESuccess; data := bnull |};
    | Flush h =>
      _ <- nbd.sendResponse
        {| rhandle := h; error := ESuccess; data := bnull |};
    | UnknownOp h =>
      _ <- nbd.sendResponse
        {| rhandle := h; error := EInvalid; data := bnull |};
    | Disconnect => Ret tt

  Definition serverLoop : proc unit :=
    _ <- nbd.recover;
    _ <- d.recover;

  Definition size : proc nat :=

  Definition init := then_init nbd.init d.init.

End NBDServer.