Library POCS.Lab1.VariablesAPI
Specification of Variables.
The values of these variables are the spec state:
The precondition for read is a function that takes two arguments: a pair
(count,sum) and a spec state state and asserts a proposition about them. The
way to read this is that the precondition states that there exists a pair
(count,sum) and a state such that the value of StateCount state is count and
StateSum state is sum.
The postcondition states the value returned by read is either count or
sum, depending on which variable is read.
Definition read_spec v : Specification _ _ unit _ :=
fun (_ : unit) state => {|
pre := True;
post := fun r state' =>
state' = state /\
match v with
| VarCount => r = StateCount state
| VarSum => r = StateSum state
recovered := fun _ _ => False
An implementation of write has the same precondition as read. The
postcondition states that the new spec state has either StateCount
or StateSum is updated, depending on which variable write writes. The
return value is tt.
Definition write_spec v val : Specification _ _ unit _ :=
fun (_ : unit) state => {|
pre := True;
post := fun r state' =>
r = tt /\
match v with
| VarCount => state' = mkState val (StateSum state)
| VarSum => state' = mkState (StateCount state) val
recovered := fun _ _ => False
Variables module
Module Type VarsAPI.
Axiom init : proc InitResult.
Axiom read : var -> proc nat.
Axiom write : var -> nat -> proc unit.
Axiom recover : proc unit.
Axiom abstr : Abstraction State.
Axiom init_ok : init_abstraction init recover abstr inited_any.
Axiom read_ok : forall v, proc_spec (read_spec v) (read v) recover abstr.
Axiom write_ok : forall v val, proc_spec (write_spec v val) (write v val) recover abstr.
Axiom recover_noop : rec_noop recover abstr no_crash.
Hint Resolve init_ok.
Hint Resolve read_ok.
Hint Resolve write_ok.
Hint Resolve recover_noop.
End VarsAPI.