Require Import Helpers.Helpers.
Require Import Proc.
Require Import ProcTheorems.
Require Import Abstraction.
Require Import Proc.
Require Import ProcTheorems.
Require Import Abstraction.
Reasoning about crashes and recovery
Hint Constructors rexec : core.
Hint Constructors exec : core.
Hint Constructors exec_recover : core.
Theorem clos_refl_trans_1n_unit_tuple : forall `(R: unit * A -> unit * A -> Prop) x y u u',
Relation_Operators.clos_refl_trans_1n R (u, x) (u', y) ->
(fun x y =>
R (tt, x) (tt, y)) x y.
destruct u, u'.
remember (tt, x).
remember (tt, y).
generalize dependent x.
generalize dependent y.
induction H; intuition subst.
- inversion Heqp; subst.
- destruct y.
destruct u.
especialize IHclos_refl_trans_1n; intuition.
especialize IHclos_refl_trans_1n; intuition.
econstructor; eauto.
Define what it means to run recovery in recovered state :
Definition proc_loopspec `(spec: Specification A unit unit State)
`(rec': proc unit) `(rec: proc unit)
(abs: Abstraction State) :=
forall a w state,
abstraction abs w state ->
pre (spec a state) ->
forall rv rv' w',
(fun '(_, w) '(rv', w') => rexec rec' rec w (Recovered rv' w'))
(rv, w) (rv', w') ->
forall rv'' w'',
exec rec' w' (Finished rv'' w'') ->
exists state'',
abstraction abs w'' state'' /\
post (spec a state) rv'' state''.
`(rec': proc unit) `(rec: proc unit)
(abs: Abstraction State) :=
forall a w state,
abstraction abs w state ->
pre (spec a state) ->
forall rv rv' w',
(fun '(_, w) '(rv', w') => rexec rec' rec w (Recovered rv' w'))
(rv, w) (rv', w') ->
forall rv'' w'',
exec rec' w' (Finished rv'' w'') ->
exists state'',
abstraction abs w'' state'' /\
post (spec a state) rv'' state''.
Define what it means for a spec to be idempotent:
Definition idempotent `(spec: Specification A T unit State) :=
forall a state,
pre (spec a state) ->
forall v state', recovered (spec a state) v state' ->
forall a state,
pre (spec a state) ->
forall v state', recovered (spec a state) v state' ->
idempotency: recovered condition implies precondition to
re-run on every crash
postcondition transitivity: establishing the
postcondition from a recovered state is sufficient to
establish it with respect to the original initial
state (note all with the same ghost state)
forall rv state'', post (spec a' state') rv state'' ->
post (spec a state) rv state''.
(* Idempotents theorem: *)
Theorem idempotent_loopspec : forall `(rec: proc unit) `(rec': proc unit)
`(spec: Specification A unit unit State)
(abs: Abstraction State),
forall (Hspec: proc_spec spec rec' rec abs),
idempotent spec ->
proc_loopspec spec rec' rec abs.
unfold proc_loopspec; intros.
apply clos_refl_trans_1n_unit_tuple in H2.
repeat match goal with
| [ u: unit |- _ ] => destruct u
generalize dependent a.
generalize dependent state.
induction H2; intros.
- eapply RExec in H3.
eapply Hspec in H3; eauto.
- eapply Hspec in H0; simpl in *; safe_intuition (repeat deex; eauto).
eapply H in H4; eauto; repeat deex.
specialize (H4 _ _ ltac:(eauto)); repeat deex; intuition.
specialize (IHclos_refl_trans_1n _ ltac:(eauto) _ ltac:(eauto)).
safe_intuition (repeat deex; eauto).
Theorem compose_recovery : forall `(spec: Specification A'' T unit State)
`(rspec: Specification A' unit unit State)
`(spec': Specification A T unit State)
`(p: proc T) `(rec: proc unit) `(rec': proc unit)
`(abs: Abstraction State),
forall (Hspec: proc_spec spec p rec abs)
(Hrspec: proc_loopspec rspec rec' rec abs)
forall (a:A) state, pre (spec' a state) ->
exists (a'':A''),
pre (spec a'' state) /\
(forall v state', post (spec a'' state) v state' ->
post (spec' a state) v state') /\
(forall v state', recovered (spec a'' state) v state' ->
exists a', pre (rspec a' state') /\
forall v' state'',
post (rspec a' state') v' state'' ->
recovered (spec' a state) v' state'')),
proc_spec spec' p (_ <- rec; rec') abs.
unfold proc_spec; intros.
eapply Hspec_spec' in H0; safe_intuition;
repeat deex.
clear Hspec_spec'.
destruct r.
- match goal with
| [ Hexec: rexec p _ _ _ |- _ ] =>
eapply rexec_finish_any_rec in Hexec;
eapply Hspec in Hexec
end; simpl in *; intuition (repeat deex; eauto).
- inv_rexec.
match goal with
| [ Hexec: exec_recover _ _ _ _ |- _ ] =>
eapply exec_recover_bind_inv in Hexec
end; repeat deex.
match goal with
| [ Hexec: exec_recover rec _ _ _ |- _ ] =>
eapply RExecCrash in Hexec; eauto
end; repeat deex.
match goal with
| [ Hexec: rexec p _ _ _ |- _ ] =>
eapply Hspec in Hexec
end; simpl in *; safe_intuition (repeat deex; eauto).
(* H3: recover -> exists a' *)
(* H6: recover *)
eapply H3 in H6; repeat deex.
match goal with
| [ Hexec: exec rec' _ _ |- _ ] =>
eapply Hrspec in Hexec
end; simpl in *; safe_intuition (repeat deex; eauto).
Theorem rec_wipe_compose : forall `(rec: proc unit) `(rec2: proc unit)
`(abs1: Abstraction State1)
(wipe1: State1 -> State1 -> Prop)
`(spec: Specification A unit unit State1)
`(abs2: LayerAbstraction State1 State2)
(wipe2: State2 -> State2 -> Prop),
rec_wipe rec abs1 wipe1 ->
proc_loopspec spec rec2 rec abs1 ->
forall (Hspec: forall state0 state0' state,
abstraction abs2 state0 state0' ->
wipe1 state0 state ->
exists a, pre (spec a state) /\
forall state' r,
post (spec a state) r state' ->
exists state2', wipe2 state0' state2' /\
abstraction abs2 state' state2'),
rec_wipe (_ <- rec; rec2) (abstraction_compose abs1 abs2) wipe2.
unfold rec_wipe; intros.
eapply spec_abstraction_compose; simpl.
eapply compose_recovery; eauto.
destruct a; simpl; intuition.
descend; intuition eauto.
specialize (Hspec _ _ _ ltac:(eauto) ltac:(eauto)).
repeat deex.
descend; intuition eauto.
post (spec a state) rv state''.
(* Idempotents theorem: *)
Theorem idempotent_loopspec : forall `(rec: proc unit) `(rec': proc unit)
`(spec: Specification A unit unit State)
(abs: Abstraction State),
forall (Hspec: proc_spec spec rec' rec abs),
idempotent spec ->
proc_loopspec spec rec' rec abs.
unfold proc_loopspec; intros.
apply clos_refl_trans_1n_unit_tuple in H2.
repeat match goal with
| [ u: unit |- _ ] => destruct u
generalize dependent a.
generalize dependent state.
induction H2; intros.
- eapply RExec in H3.
eapply Hspec in H3; eauto.
- eapply Hspec in H0; simpl in *; safe_intuition (repeat deex; eauto).
eapply H in H4; eauto; repeat deex.
specialize (H4 _ _ ltac:(eauto)); repeat deex; intuition.
specialize (IHclos_refl_trans_1n _ ltac:(eauto) _ ltac:(eauto)).
safe_intuition (repeat deex; eauto).
Theorem compose_recovery : forall `(spec: Specification A'' T unit State)
`(rspec: Specification A' unit unit State)
`(spec': Specification A T unit State)
`(p: proc T) `(rec: proc unit) `(rec': proc unit)
`(abs: Abstraction State),
forall (Hspec: proc_spec spec p rec abs)
(Hrspec: proc_loopspec rspec rec' rec abs)
forall (a:A) state, pre (spec' a state) ->
exists (a'':A''),
pre (spec a'' state) /\
(forall v state', post (spec a'' state) v state' ->
post (spec' a state) v state') /\
(forall v state', recovered (spec a'' state) v state' ->
exists a', pre (rspec a' state') /\
forall v' state'',
post (rspec a' state') v' state'' ->
recovered (spec' a state) v' state'')),
proc_spec spec' p (_ <- rec; rec') abs.
unfold proc_spec; intros.
eapply Hspec_spec' in H0; safe_intuition;
repeat deex.
clear Hspec_spec'.
destruct r.
- match goal with
| [ Hexec: rexec p _ _ _ |- _ ] =>
eapply rexec_finish_any_rec in Hexec;
eapply Hspec in Hexec
end; simpl in *; intuition (repeat deex; eauto).
- inv_rexec.
match goal with
| [ Hexec: exec_recover _ _ _ _ |- _ ] =>
eapply exec_recover_bind_inv in Hexec
end; repeat deex.
match goal with
| [ Hexec: exec_recover rec _ _ _ |- _ ] =>
eapply RExecCrash in Hexec; eauto
end; repeat deex.
match goal with
| [ Hexec: rexec p _ _ _ |- _ ] =>
eapply Hspec in Hexec
end; simpl in *; safe_intuition (repeat deex; eauto).
(* H3: recover -> exists a' *)
(* H6: recover *)
eapply H3 in H6; repeat deex.
match goal with
| [ Hexec: exec rec' _ _ |- _ ] =>
eapply Hrspec in Hexec
end; simpl in *; safe_intuition (repeat deex; eauto).
Theorem rec_wipe_compose : forall `(rec: proc unit) `(rec2: proc unit)
`(abs1: Abstraction State1)
(wipe1: State1 -> State1 -> Prop)
`(spec: Specification A unit unit State1)
`(abs2: LayerAbstraction State1 State2)
(wipe2: State2 -> State2 -> Prop),
rec_wipe rec abs1 wipe1 ->
proc_loopspec spec rec2 rec abs1 ->
forall (Hspec: forall state0 state0' state,
abstraction abs2 state0 state0' ->
wipe1 state0 state ->
exists a, pre (spec a state) /\
forall state' r,
post (spec a state) r state' ->
exists state2', wipe2 state0' state2' /\
abstraction abs2 state' state2'),
rec_wipe (_ <- rec; rec2) (abstraction_compose abs1 abs2) wipe2.
unfold rec_wipe; intros.
eapply spec_abstraction_compose; simpl.
eapply compose_recovery; eauto.
destruct a; simpl; intuition.
descend; intuition eauto.
specialize (Hspec _ _ _ ltac:(eauto) ltac:(eauto)).
repeat deex.
descend; intuition eauto.
Helpers for defining step-based semantics.
Definition Semantics State T := State -> T -> State -> Prop.
Definition pre_step {opT State}
(bg_step: State -> State -> Prop)
(step: forall `(op: opT T), Semantics State T) :
forall T (op: opT T), Semantics State T :=
fun T (op: opT T) state v state'' =>
exists state', bg_step state state' /\
step op state' v state''.
Definition post_step {opT State}
(step: forall `(op: opT T), Semantics State T)
(bg_step: State -> State -> Prop) :
forall T (op: opT T), Semantics State T :=
fun T (op: opT T) state v state'' =>
exists state', step op state v state' /\
bg_step state' state''.
Definition op_spec `(sem: Semantics State T) : Specification unit T unit State :=
fun (_:unit) state =>
pre := True;
post :=
fun v state' => sem state v state';
recovered :=
fun r state' =>
r = tt /\ (state' = state \/ exists v, sem state v state');
Helpers for defining wipe relations after a crash.