
Require Import POCS.
Require Import OneDiskAPI.
Require Import BadBlockAPI.

Module RemappedDisk (bd : BadBlockAPI) <: OneDiskAPI.

  Import ListNotations.

  Definition read (a : addr) : proc block :=
    bs <- bd.getBadBlock;
    if a == bs then
      len <- bd.size;
      r <- bd.read (len-1);
      Ret r
      r <- bd.read a;
    Ret r.

  Definition write (a : addr) (b : block) : proc unit :=
    Ret tt.

  Definition size : proc nat :=
    len <- bd.size;
    Ret (len - 1).

  Definition init' : proc InitResult :=
    len <- bd.size;
    if len == 0 then
      Ret InitFailed
      bs <- bd.getBadBlock;
      if (lt_dec bs len) then
        Ret Initialized
        Ret InitFailed.

  Definition init := then_init bd.init init'.

  Definition recover: proc unit :=

  Inductive remapped_abstraction (bs_state : BadBlockAPI.State) (rd_disk : OneDiskAPI.State) : Prop :=
    | RemappedAbstraction :
      let bs_disk := stateDisk bs_state in
      let bs_addr := stateBadBlock bs_state in
        (* Fill in the rest of your abstraction here. *)
        (* To refer to the contents of disk d at address a, you can write diskGet a *)
        (* To refer to the size of disk d, you can write diskSize d *)
        (* You can try to prove read_ok to discover what you need from this abstraction *)

        (* Hint 1: What should be true about the non-bad blocks?   Replace True with what needs to be true *)
        (Hgoodblocks : True)
        (* Hint 2: What should be true about the bad block? *)
        (Hbadblock : True)

        (* when writing the above,  *)
        (* Hint 3: What if the bad block address is the last address? *)
        (Hsize : diskSize bs_disk = diskSize rd_disk + 1),
      remapped_abstraction bs_state rd_disk.

  Hint Constructors remapped_abstraction : core.

  Definition abstr : Abstraction OneDiskAPI.State :=
    abstraction_compose bd.abstr {| abstraction := remapped_abstraction |}.

  (* Note that these examples aren't trivial to prove, even if you have the
     right abstraction relation. They should help you think about whether your
     abstraction relation makes sense (although you may need to modify it to
     actually prove the implementation correct). *)

  Example abst_1_ok : forall Hinbounds,
    remapped_abstraction (BadBlockAPI.mkState [block1;block0;block0] 0 Hinbounds) [block0;block0].
    constructor; auto.

  Example abst_2_ok : forall Hinbounds,
    remapped_abstraction (BadBlockAPI.mkState [block1;block0] 0 Hinbounds) [block0].
    constructor; auto.

  Example abst_3_ok : forall Hinbounds,
    remapped_abstraction (BadBlockAPI.mkState [block0;block0] 1 Hinbounds) [block0].
    constructor; auto.

  Example abst_4_nok : forall Hinbounds,
    ~ remapped_abstraction (BadBlockAPI.mkState [block0;block0] 1 Hinbounds) [block1].
    inversion H; simpl in *.

  Example abst_5_nok : forall Hinbounds,
    ~ remapped_abstraction (BadBlockAPI.mkState [block1;block1] 0 Hinbounds) [block0].
    inversion H; simpl in *.

  (* Due to how remapped_abstraction is defined (as an inductive), it cannot be
  unfolded. This tactic identifies abstraction relations in the hypotheses and
  breaks them apart with inversion, and also does some cleanup. *)

  Ltac invert_abstraction :=
    match goal with
    | H : remapped_abstraction _ _ |- _ => inversion H; clear H; subst; subst_var

  Theorem init_ok : init_abstraction init recover abstr inited_any.
    eapply then_init_compose; eauto.

  Theorem read_ok : forall a, proc_spec (OneDiskAPI.read_spec a) (read a) recover abstr.
    unfold read.

    apply spec_abstraction_compose; simpl.
    step_proc; eauto.

    destruct (a == r).
    - admit.
    - admit.

  Theorem bad_block_inbounds :
    forall state,
      stateBadBlock state < diskSize (stateDisk state).
    destruct state.
    exact stateBadBlockInBounds.

  Theorem remapped_abstraction_diskUpd_remap : forall state state' s v,
    remapped_abstraction state s ->
    stateBadBlock state' = stateBadBlock state ->
    stateDisk state' = diskUpd (stateDisk state) (diskSize (stateDisk state) - 1) v ->
    remapped_abstraction state' (diskUpd s (stateBadBlock state) v).
    (* Hint: you may find it useful to use the pose proof (bad_block_inbounds state)
       if you need lia to make use of the fact that the bad block is in-bounds. *)


  Theorem remapped_abstraction_diskUpd_noremap : forall state state' s a v,
    remapped_abstraction state s ->
    a <> diskSize (stateDisk state) - 1 ->
    a <> stateBadBlock state ->
    stateBadBlock state' = stateBadBlock state ->
    stateDisk state' = diskUpd (stateDisk state) a v ->
    remapped_abstraction state' (diskUpd s a v).

  Hint Resolve remapped_abstraction_diskUpd_remap : core.
  Hint Resolve remapped_abstraction_diskUpd_noremap : core.

  Theorem write_ok : forall a v, proc_spec (OneDiskAPI.write_spec a v) (write a v) recover abstr.
    unfold write.

    apply spec_abstraction_compose; simpl.

  Theorem size_ok : proc_spec OneDiskAPI.size_spec size recover abstr.
    unfold diskSize.

    apply spec_abstraction_compose; simpl.

    step_proc; eauto.

  (* This proof proves that recovery corresponds to no_wipe. *)
  Theorem recover_wipe : rec_wipe recover abstr no_wipe.
    unfold rec_wipe.

    apply spec_abstraction_compose; simpl.
    step_proc; eauto.

End RemappedDisk.

Require Import BadBlockImpl.
Module x := RemappedDisk BadBlockDisk.
Print Assumptions x.write_ok.