
Require Import POCS.
Require Import LogAPI.
Require Import Common.OneDiskAPI.
Import ListNotations.

Implementation of the atomic append-only log.

Your job is to implement the atomic append-only log API, as defined in LogAPI.v, on top of a single disk, as defined in OneDiskAPI.v. The underlying disk is the same abstraction that you implemented in lab 2.
To achieve crash-safety, you can rely on the fact that the underlying disk provides atomic block writes: that is, writing to a single disk block is atomic with respect to crash-safety. If the system crashes in the middle of a write to a disk block, then after the crash, that block has either the old value or the new value, but not some other corrupted value.
The disk provided by OneDiskAPI.v is synchronous, in the sense that disk writes that have fully completed (where write returned) are durable: if the computer crashes after a write finished, that write will still be there after the computer reboots.
To implement the log API, we assume that we have a procedure addr_to_block that encodes a number as a block, and a way to read the number back from the block (the function block_to_addr). This gives your implementation a way to serialize data onto disk.

Axiom addr_to_block : addr -> proc block.
Axiom block_to_addr : block -> addr.

Definition addr_to_block_spec State a : Specification unit block unit State :=
  fun (_ : unit) state => {|
    pre := True;
    post := fun r state' => state' = state /\ block_to_addr r = a;
    recovered := fun _ state' => state' = state
Axiom addr_to_block_ok : forall State a recover abstr,
  proc_spec (@addr_to_block_spec State a) (addr_to_block a) recover abstr.
Hint Resolve addr_to_block_ok : core.

For this lab, we provide a notation for diskUpd. Not only can you use this to write diskUpd d a b as d [a |-> b] but you will also see this notation in goals. This should especially make it easier to read goals with many updates of the same disk.
Remember that the code still uses diskUpd underneath, so the same theorems apply. We recommend using autorewrite with upd or autorewrite with upd in * in this lab to simplify diskGet/diskUpd expressions, rather than using the theorems manually.
Notation "d [ a |-> b ]" := (diskUpd d a b) (at level 8, left associativity).
Notation "d [ a |=> bs ]" := (diskUpds d a bs) (at level 8, left associativity).

Opaque diskGet.

In this lab, you will likely be doing reasoning about the contents of various disk blocks. The following theorem will help you do so.
Theorem diskGet_eq_values : forall d a b b',
    diskGet d a =?= b ->
    diskGet d a =?= b' ->
    a < diskSize d ->
    b = b'.
  (* Fill in your proof here. *)

We use the above theorem to implement the eq_values tactic. eq_values can be used when you have hypotheses like:
H1: diskGet d a =?= eq b H2: diskGet d a =?= eq b'
In this context, the tactic proves b = b'.
Ltac eq_values :=
  match goal with
  | [ H: diskGet ?d ?a =?= ?b,
      H': diskGet ?d ?a =?= ?b' |- _ ] =>
    assert (b = b') by (apply (@diskGet_eq_values d a b b'); try lia; auto);

Module Log (d : OneDiskAPI) <: LogAPI.

Fill in your implementation and proof here, replacing the placeholder statements below with your own definitions and theorems as appropriate. Feel free to introduce helper procedures and helper theorems to structure your implementation and proof.

  Definition init : proc InitResult := Ret Initialized.
  Definition get : proc (list block) := Ret nil.
  Definition append (bs : list block) : proc bool := Ret true.
  Definition reset : proc unit := Ret tt.
  Definition recover : proc unit := Ret tt.

  Axiom abstr : Abstraction State.
  Axiom init_ok : init_abstraction init recover abstr inited_any.
  Axiom get_ok : proc_spec get_spec get recover abstr.
  Axiom append_ok : forall v, proc_spec (append_spec v) (append v) recover abstr.
  Axiom reset_ok : proc_spec reset_spec reset recover abstr.
  Axiom recover_wipe : rec_wipe recover abstr no_wipe.

End Log.

It's possible to layer the log from this lab on top of the bad-block remapper from the previous lab. The statements below do that, just as a sanity check.

Require Import Lab2.BadBlockImpl.
Require Import Lab2.RemappedDiskImpl.
Module bad_disk := BadBlockDisk.
Module remapped_disk := RemappedDisk bad_disk.
Module log := Log remapped_disk.
Print Assumptions log.append_ok.